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Wednesday North Central ROMEO Lunch Ride for 12-9-15

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:42 pm
by Richard
Guys - Here's a little place that we go by time and time again but seldom stop.
One time in the past we went there and everyone seemed to have a good time so It's time to try it again.
During the summer months, when the temperature is warm outside, it's just not far enough away but as the temps drop, the close in distance becomes a convenient advantage.
The place has been recently sold and remodeled although the name is the same. It is very different inside from what I recall it looking like a few years ago. The back room in particular has been made much more accommodating, and we will have the entire run of it for ourselves and it should be comfortable enough to allow a robust turnout. They have quite a variety of food and say that a special of sorts will be available as well.
Temperature for mid week is predicted to be in the mid 50's and mild. I'm hoping it will be accurate because I've been wanting to take a trip down to Kingman to look over the inventory at Bobz Bikz, the largest used bike dealership in the state. I intend to head down that direction after lunch so if anyone feels up to it, feel free to ride along. Kingman is nearly a straight shot south on 22nd street just this side of Geneseo.
For those of you that may not have been to Bobz in the past, his mixed brand inventory is a sight to behold. You would be well pleased with most of the bikes that he has in stock right now and I have my eye on one in particular.

Here's the time............................................High Noon

Here's the place....................................Smoky Hill Trading Post
1954 Highway 141
(just south of the dam)
Marquette, Kansas 67464

Don't be confused by the address, it's how they get their mail. It's really at Kanopolis Dam.

As always............................ride careful, ride safe and I'll see you at the Trading Post. Richard
Guys - First, I have to appologize to some of you for my demeanor yesterday at lunch. I admit, I wasn't at all a happy camper. I got a call at home from the little place that we were going to saying there must be some sort of mix up because some of you were already there at his place to eat and we weren't supposed to be there until next week. Whaaaat!
Boy that got me off to a heart pumping start let me tell you! I don't deal with problems well, never did, but when it comes to our ROMEO lunch schedule, it just won't fly!
I asked as politely as I could, since I couldn't grab his throat through the phone, what the problem seemed to be and the guy said he had us down for next week. Whaaaat! I said I spoke directly to him personally so how could a screw up like that occur? Wellllllllll, somebody told him it was next week. As I tried to explain, I made the reservation and I didn't screw it up so who does that leave, and, I'm heading there as soon as I get off the phone so deal with it!
It was a bit chilly still for Joyce to ride with me on the bike because I was heading off to Kingman to check out a bike after lunch so she took the car and went on ahead somewhat earlier than when I receiving the phone call.
The temperature was unseasonably warm for this time a year and I was enjoying the weather and passing quite a few bikes on the way that were just lazily cruising enroute.
I arrived and as I put the kickstand down Joyce came up to me and announced they don't have any food! Whaaat! She always tends to over dramatize a situation but it never fails to get me fired up! Whaaaat! was about all I could say until I regained my wits. It seems as they did indeed have some meat but only enough for about thirty folks but they also had sloppy joe's, biscuits and gravy, bierocks and pizza. So.........what's the problem.
It's not pre-prepared and they don't have a special as they indicated they would!
By the time we figure out that all was not a disaster, and the staff finally geared up to cook, the entire parking lot full of ROMEOs had heard there was no food or places to sit apparently because bikes were starting up, and ROMEOs were high tailing it out of the parking lot to go to other places to eat. GRRrrrrr!
So, how many did we have today? Who knows, although through super human effort we moved the attendance book around capturing thirty seven but I know that fell far short of what could possibly have been an all time attendance record, especially for this time of year! Seems to me that nearly half those that arrived entered the parking lot and were fed a inaccurate line about the food situation and headed off.
It's days like this that I just want to toss it in! Here's the deal. Screw ups do happen! I really don't think this one was my fault but I do have to live with the consequences of it, and I'm all right with that but here's the deal. When you arrive at a designated lunch site, please...pretty sure to take a moment to sign the book.
Whether you appreciate it or not, this book is quite valuable to me in determining the interest in various areas we go to, it is quite valuable to me in headcount and is the only tool I have at my disposal to determine projected turnout. It is the best tool that I have available to forecast.
Please always sign the book. If you choose to leave for other parts for one reason or another, please sign the book to record your participation. Please, if for no other reason, do It for me! Richard

Re: Wednesday North Central ROMEO Lunch Ride for 12-9-15

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:19 pm
by beemermark
Ride Safe - Ride with a Smile. Mark