Red Horse Tavern, Middleburg, VA

This forum is for riders in the Shenandoah Valley.

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Red Horse Tavern, Middleburg, VA

Post by shoresr »

Andy put together the perfect ride and did a super job of leading it. I think he took us on every Virginia Scenic Byway in a 4 county area and it was beautiful. We had 6 Spyders and 1 Gold Wing!! We had three lovely co-riders for a total of ten. (Andy R. (Ride Planner), Cliff, Butch, Warren and Betsy, Brion and Fran, Jim and Janice and Roger. We missed Donna, who wasn't feeling well.

118 Washington St
Middleburg, VA

Andy's route took us by some of the most beautiful estates in Virginia, miles of stone fences and manicured pastures. The weather was perfect.
We enjoyed wonderful views of the mountains while riding the Snickersville Turnpike and Blue Ridge Mountain Road. It was hard for Warren to ride past Bear Chase Brewing Company in Blumont, but when we promised him ice cream at Newtown Creamery, he rode on.

Thanks Andy, for putting together a very nice ride that was enjoyed be all.

REVER-- Andy had shared his route before the ride on REVER. It was nice to have route when cars worked their way into the group. Those with Rever knew where we were going and how to get there. Above is a picture of the route I tracked with REVER. I have shared the route with all of you who are signed up on REVER. You should be able to download the route and ride it on your device, Garmin, bike or phone. It is a very nice route, try it.
CARDO PACKTALK BOLD--7 of the 10 were hooked up on PACKTALK BOLD and it worked perfectly, thanks to Warren. Beside having the REVER map we were able to communicate and know where everyone was at all times. As riders, we don't always see the countryside, but with communication we can see so much more.
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