Hi from the Texas Rendezvous in Big Bend, TX, a large group is here, riding, talking and eating, the ROMEO way.
Tuesday we are having a special treat and I hope you can join us 2 wheels or 4 wheels. Last time we were at Wanda's some the the group found Dean Weller's automobile collection in DeSoto and insisted that I set up an opportunity for the whole group to see what this man does. His collection and shop are NOT open to the public but with the help of Wanda, Dean's wife Delores, and a Shoo Fly pie, we got an invitation!!
Wanda's is small and Wanda does all the cooking. We will have to turn the place about 3 times. So if you get there and Wanda's is full walk down and look at the cars then come back and eat. Wanda's opens at 6 and Mr Weller said he would be there about 9. Patience and enjoy.
The link about shows our last visit to Wanda's and some of the pictures Bob K took at Dean Wellers. This man is in his eighties and has actually copied cars he liked. There is no one or nothing like him. This is a special opportunity and you won't want to miss it.
Hoser posted a link to his pictures...most good pictures....there was so much to see!!
Romeo at Desoto
Lunch, and a tour of the Auto restore shop. Nice day for a ride.
I don't want a pickle, just wanna ride my motor sickle
Here is a link to Peggy J. pictures on Shutterfly http://share.shutterfly.com/view/flashS ... XLRq3as3Mw
Great job of taking pictures, ROD, BOB, HOSER and PEGGY. Thanks. I know others took pictures, please share. Everyone's eyes are different. Several of you said you hadn't looked at this video. If you haven't looked at it you might want too. It does a good job of explaining what Mr Weller does.
[attachment=13]137.JPG[/attachment]The Romeos and Wanda gave Mr Weller a "Wanda baked" Butter Milk Pie for being so nice to the Romeos. He spent over 3 hours showing the Romeos his cars, drawings and his basement full of car parts.
[attachment=12]115.JPG[/attachment]Mr Weller promoted Wanda's Cafe in the DeSoto Parade with one of his vehicles.[attachment=11]128.JPG[/attachment]Dean has made over 20 cars in thrity years! This year he made "Tweety".[attachment=10]135.JPG[/attachment][attachment=9]129.JPG[/attachment][attachment=8]130.JPG[/attachment][attachment=7]128.JPG[/attachment][attachment=6]134.JPG[/attachment]TWEETY 2012[attachment=5]132.JPG[/attachment]Melissa found one she wanted, but Mr Weller has not sold any of the cars he has built.[attachment=4]125.JPG[/attachment]I think these are axles. He has enough parts in his basement to make 12 or 14 Model T's or A's [attachment=3]124.JPG[/attachment][attachment=2]126.JPG[/attachment]Mr Weller said everything you need to built a car is being made today except engine blocks, frames and gas tanks and he has plenty of all of those. In my pictures this may look old, dirty and in a pile, but I can assure you it is organized, categorized and Dean knows where and what everything is.
[attachment=1]127.JPG[/attachment]One of my favorite moments of the day came when in the middle of all this stuff that I know nothing about, Mike V points to this hanging from the ceiling and asks Mr Weller "Is that a tail light for a 195_ Cadillac?" and Dean says "Why it sure is...and that is the one you punch the button and raise it up and that is where you fill it with gas."
[attachment=0]133.JPG[/attachment]Well, it was a fun day. Wanda and her crew did a great job. Check out the meatloaf in Rod's pictures.
Thanks to Dean Weller, Wanda and all of you for making this a very special day.
Several asked to see my pictures from the Romeo Texas Rendezvous. If you are interested, here is a link...
Link to my pictures from the Romeo Texas Rondezvous. Six of us went from the Kansas City area, 2906 miles in 7 days. A great trip and they are planning for next year. Hope you can come next year. http://tinyurl.com/8zwelb5
Roger, thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet Dean and visit with him as well as view his collection. The best part was listening to this man explain his life's work, view the detailed drawings, and hear him explain his love for his "kids" as he calls them. It was a fantastic day, one which we will never forget. Rod, your pictures were great. We hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did